Some days we have a lazy morning, curling our eyelashes, watching girl movies and gabbing about fashion. Okay, full disclosure, some days we barely manage to get out of our pajamas. If you must know I photoshopped this image to take away the luggage under my eyes, so based on the resulting photo you can only imagine how much fun we're having. We are very, very anxious for Jules to come home.
But the important thing is that Isabelle has figured out how to laugh! Here is a little series to give you a taster of the cuteness:

(PS if you click on the image, it will open bigger in a new window, so you can get a closer look.) I tried to animate this, but it wouldn't work right, so I suggest moving your eyes quickly through the photographs to get an idea of what Issy giggling looks like. She isn't making any sound yet, but she definitely likes to have her chin tickled. SO CUTE. It totally makes the long sleepless nights worth the trouble.
adorable, can't wait to see you all in dec
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