But I have been sooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy. And also I was doing some work for a client, weirdly at the Emirates (Arsenal) Stadium this week, which meant a hotel stay and limited internet connection.
So, here's a quick update with news:
* Isabelle has finally made it all the way through the night without waking up. Last night's agenda: 7 PM to 7.20 AM this morning. Rock on.
* In order to make this possible, we have to sleep in a different room. Isabelle's room is still not habitable. We can't get the crib into the back room without disassembling it. Solution? Jules and I have moved out of our own bedroom and into the guest room, originally intended as the nursery. I am not happy about this at all. AT ALL.
* The carpet is in the store, but awaiting delivery and installation at our house, because of said issue with Isabelle's room.
* It is time to register for round 2 of baby swimming. Isabelle has screamed through all ten-count 'em, 10-weeks of the current term. Should we persist with Level 2, or throw in the towel? I really don't know what to do. If there are any parents out there reading this, I'd appreciate some advice. Please leave your comments, or send me an (email) letter.
* We have new gutters. Woo hoo!
* We have an in-tune piano. Woo hoo!
* Isabelle is a rolling machine. And an almost-crawling machine. And a dancing machine (in her bouncer). Hilarious.
That's it. Crazy, no?
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