Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Weekend: Sun and Flowers

Whoa, what is this? Look at the date on my previous entry: April 6. What?!? That means it's been almost three weeks since I've even bothered to post anything here. I'm a neglectful parent, and I really apologize.

The truth is, with the weeks of lovely weather shining down upon us, it's a crime to spend the day inside with the computer! It's time to be outside in our little garden, watching the flowers bloom and having a tall glass of something cold and sparkly. I know it's been cold and snowy in the Midwest, but here in London, it's summer! Wish you could share the long weekend with us!

Sarah xo

The Cox's Orange Pippin apple tree we planted to replace the hated bay laurel; unbelievably it's got clusters of pink blossom already! Maybe apples next October?

"Queen of the Night" black tulips. Love these. 

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