...or the neighbor's cat!

Isabelle has really done well this week with her hand-eye coordination; it's a marked change from last week! Here she is shaking her maraca:

And giving her Whoozit what-for:

Here she is using her skills for evil by participating in the ongoing battle between the stretchy-legged monkey and the parrot. Ooh that monkey!

In other news, Isabelle went to the doctor today to get weighed (man, you should have seen the look in her eye when she got stripped naked in front of a whole room full of moms & babies!), and she now weighs 13 lbs 15 oz! She's more than doubled her weight in only four months! A little bit like mommy...
1 comment:
You show that monkey who's boss, baby-bean. i'd back you and the parrot against hulk hogan and giant haystacks any day. twice on sundays.
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