Many of our most loyal readers will know about the saga we've had with our tree. First of all, I'll tell you that it's fake. Fake-ity fake fake. I don't care how much nicer a real tree smells; we paid £65 for the fake one four years ago, and it's still going strong. However, when we bought it, we were still living in our tiny flat on Devonshire Road, and we didn't realize at the time how big the tree was going to be once it was set up and positioned in our miniature living room. But, we assembled the whole thing anyway, and this is what it looked like:

Poor little Isabelle has been very bewildered by all the activity. What? A giant tree in the living room? Why is there a s'more on it? But she's been enjoying the time in her baby bouncer while we decorate. We figured out she'd have an easier time of it while wearing her little Robeez shoes for traction, and now she's able to really get a good boing going.

Look how cute! I think she's happiest when she's bouncing!

It's going to be really hard to be away from my family and friends in America for Isabelle's first Christmas (this is only my second one away from home), and already I'm feeling it. I'm missing Susan's kitty angel, and my mom's cookies (I don't know how she does it!), and singing in the choir Christmas Eve, and the snow snow snow piling up in Chicago. But that's growing up, and our lives changing, and now that we're parents ourselves we will forge our own way ahead. We're still gonna look out for Santa, though.
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