The snow didn't stay around for long (it was gone by Sunday morning), but the wintry feeling sure did. It's gray, and unlikely to brighten up any time before June. Or maybe not even June. This is a difficult time of year for me, the low light and sad weather that spool on relentlessly until spring. I keep watching out my window for the first daffodil to show its yellow head, but that won't happen until March. I'm drawing up plans for our garden, which I hope will be filled with colorful flowers this summer, but is right now a depressing patch of overgrown yuck. I put out the roses my mom sent me for Christmas, but even they are just little stumpy stems, waiting to sprout flowers in May. So to brighten our spirits, we've set upon the kitchen. The wintry weather makes me hungry for roasts and stews and cheesy pasta dishes, and dammit, that's what we're planning to eat from now until our moods lighten. Jules got out the old casserole dish last night and made a really cracking version of chicken and dumplings with cider and rosemary:

I knew that Jules was planning on stew for dinner, and for some reason I had an uncontrollable urge to make cupcakes. Cupcakes, la Reine du Gateaux. I love cupcakes, the more frosting, the better! I love them when they're chocolate, I love them when they're pink, I love them stacked sweetly upon a plate. I love them all ways! But this is the first batch that I've made for myself, chocolate with heaps of vanilla buttercream and sprinkles on top. Deeeeeeeeeelicious. It was a Martha Stewart recipe, and if I'm honest the cakes could have been a little more moist, but I think that was more of a problem with the oven than the recipe. Either way, this is a picture of yesterday's plate; today's looks much different!

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