Well, things, admittedly, have been less than loverly over the past week here at A Puppet Opera... In fact, things have been a little miserable. On top of my continual worries about my missing passport (which may have a huge impact on the trip I'm supposed to take in a couple of days; by the way, does the "on hold" music really soothe anyone?), our washing machine *broke* in the middle of a huge load of diapers last night, our gutter is leaking into our bedroom, my ear is buzzing again, and my geriatric computer is starting to bite back. And to put the icing on the cake, the rehearsal last night for the opera I'm doing was NO FUN AT ALL, and I left with shredded vocal cords and a pissed-off black cloud hanging over my head. Calgon, take me away!
But I must admit, a little
Toot & Puddle at bedtime does wonders for the weary soul:

Toot and Puddle are a pair of pigs who live together in Woodcock Pocket, a bucolic little country hamlet somewhere in a dream world beautifully illustrated by
Hollie Hobbie. Toot is a traveler. Puddle is a homebody. And the books are so sweet and winsome, they would charm the pants off even the most hard-hearted sourpuss. The watercolor illustrations are absolutely darling, and the images of little pink piggies ice skating, skydiving and cooking are enough to make you want to call everyone you know and invite them over for ice cream and a cuddle. And as far as children's books go, they are so lovely and so readable, you don't mind giving repeated performances (not like some: yes, I'm looking at you,
Angelina Ballerina).
So thanks, Susan, for turning me onto a pair of porkers who can brighten even the dullest day. You're right. They are the best.
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