Hope you had a wonderful and restful Easter! Ours was certainly adventuresome: we all went to a very crowded Mass at Ealing Abbey, wherein Isabelle decided to squirm and wriggle like a conger eel, play the "piano" like Guy Music on the back of the pew, and shout out all the animals in Noah's Ark on the cover of her illustrated children's bible to the neighboring churchgoers. "Pig! Oink oink! Cow! Moo! Horsie! Neigh neigh!" Fortunately, it was Granddad doing the cooking for Easter lunch, so we zipped out there after church and collapsed into a roast leg of lamb.
Of course, amid all the commotion we forgot to take a photograph of Isabelle in her Easter dress, but we did take pictures of the chocolate. The Easter Bunny was very good to us this year; he even brought some hand-knitted easter eggs for Isabelle (complete with their own knitted egg cosies), to take the sting out of having received fewer jelly beans than the grownups!

We spent Easter Monday planting out some annuals in the garden and riding Issy's new trike (from Grandma & Grandpa) around the block. Fun! How was your Easter weekend? What did you do? What traditions did you follow or make new? I'd love to hear!
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