This has pretty much been my life for the past... well, month. As most of my faithful readers know, in January I sent my new US Passport off to the UK Home Office to get my residency stamp transfered. Well, 41 days later, and I finally have the packet from the Home Office in my hands, although without the stamp, and also without the money I paid in fees. But just having the passport was enough for me to be able to rush over to the Indian Embassy and apply for a visa to work in India next week, so hopefully, hopefully, things will work out and I'll be able to get there. This is the end of a whole month of sleepless nights, and quite frankly, not paying as close attention to my responsibilities as I should have been.
When I run the world, this is what I would like to have changed:
1. That the same person at the Home Office who cashed my check two days after my application arrived there could put the new stamp in my passport and mail it back to me
tout de suite.
2. When you dial the emergency number and say "I need my passport urgently because of an emergency," you do not have to wait for a 10-working day processing time.
3. With all the work going on in India now, there should be a faster way to get visas (like the Australian model, where it's all electronic)
4. That Sloane Rangers (or whatever they're called now) would live on their own colony in Micronesia.
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