Monday, November 12, 2012

My dream house

One of the many things I dream about at night, is a little room to call my very own, where I could have as much quiet, alone time as I needed in order to get some writing done. 

Last week, Polish architect Jakub Szczesny completed the Keret House inspired by writer Etgar Keret's ultra-short stories, and to me it looks like the PERFECT place to work on a novel. Also known as "The World's Skinniest House", the 2-story structure measures 4 feet wide, 33 feet deep, 30 feet tall, and sits 10 feet off the ground.

I know not everyone would enjoy being able to reach out and touch both walls with your hands, but to me, this looks like a dream come true. Tiny, cozy, inaccessible, and kid-free. No noise, no jibber-jabber, just plenty of light, a place to make a cup of tea, and get busy with a notebook. Bliss. Alas, it has been deemed by the Polish government as too small a space to qualify as a legal residence, so it has been constructed as an art installation managed by the Foundation of Polish Art, and writer Keret is indeed, its first week-long resident.

To learn more, visit here.

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